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Fortresscraft Wiki

Your FortressCraft world consists of 1m^3 blocks. There are currently 64 individual blocks located across 8 block selection panes. Most of the blocks have been textured by DMPDesign. There are also 5 additional blocks that can be placed through the use of Console Commands. Players have the ability to make up to 64 Custom Blocks via the Workshop, for a total of 133 different blocks possible in one world, as of Content Patch 10.

Table of Blocks[]

Wheel 1[]

Block Name Block ID Design
Grass 2 Grass
Sand 13 Sand
Leaves 16 Leaves
Torch 20 Torch
Trampoline 10 Trampoline
Tree 14 Tree
Logs 40 Logs
Wood 5 Wood

Wheel 2[]

Block Name Block ID Design
Field 32 Field
Water (As of patch 1.09) 63
ReinforcedRock 22 ReinforcedRock
ReinforcedCobble 23 ReinforcedCobble
IronBox 25 IronBox
GoldBox 26 GoldBox
DiamondBox 27 DiamondBox

Wheel 3[]

Block Name Block ID Design
GreyFloorTile 28 GreyFloorTile
RedFloorTile 29 RedFloorTile
RedBrick 30 RedBrick
FallenLeaves 31 FallenLeaves
Bookshelf 19 Bookshelf
Rock 3 Rock
Brick 8 Brick
Truss 52 Truss

Wheel 4[]

Block Name Block ID Design
Window 15 Window
SmallBricks 41 SmallBricks
Magma 42 Magma
EasterEgg (As of patch 1.1) 61 EasterEgg
Plating 43 Plating
Tiles 44 Tiles
MarbleColumn 45 MarbleColumn
Wood Inlay 46 WoodInlay

Wheel 5 - Canvas (Blocks Used For Spleef)[]

Block Name Block ID Design
CanvasYellow 47 CanvasYellow
CanvasBlack 51 CanvasBlack
CanvasOrange 48 CanvasOrange
CanvasWhite 50 CanvasWhite
CanvasPurple 49 CanvasPurple
CanvasRed 36 CanvasRed
CanvasGreen 38 CanvasGreen
CanvasBlue 37 CanvasBlue

Wheel 6 - MyFirst[]

Block Name Block ID Design
MyFirstBasket 57 MyFirstBasket
MyFirstBookcase 58 MyFirstBookcase
MyFirstBrick 55 MyFirstBrick
MyFirstCloset 59 MyFirstCloset
MyFirstRoof 54 MyFirstRoof
MyFirstFlowers 53 MyFirstFlowers
MyFirstWallPaper 60 MyFirstWallPaper
MyFirstWindow 56 MyFirstWindow

Wheel 7 - SpaceBlocks[]

Block Name Block ID Design
SpaceBubbles 64 SpaceBubbles
SpacePanel 65 SpacePanel
SpaceGrille 66 SpaceGrille
SpaceColumn 67 SpaceColumn
Giger 68 Giger
SpaceHatch 69 SpaceHatch
SpaceWindow 70 SpaceWindow
SpaceSiding 71 SpaceSiding

Wheel 8 - Electric Lights[]

Block Name Block ID Design
Deep Blue Light 39 Blue
Green Light 72 Green
Thunder Flash 73 Lightning
Electric Arc 74 Elec Arc
Rainbow Light 75 Rainbow
Red Light 76 Red
White Light 77 White
Emergency Light 78 Emergency

Through Keyboard/Quick Select only[]

Block Name Block ID Design
Snow 21 Snow
Rubble/Steps 6/7 Steps
RoughHewnRock/Bedrock 24 RoughHewnRock
Dirt 4 Dirt
ReinforcedWood 11 Reinforcedwood
Air 1